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upload copy of invoice when entering the invoice into payables

I would love to be able to upload a copy of the invoice as I am entering it into payables. We often times have to look back at old invoices and that means we are looking up invoice numbers in the system and then having to go back to the filing cab...
Guest 6 months ago in All other suggestions 0 One For The Future

Make closed purchase orders viewable without having to print them.

After a purchase order is received, the accounts payable person needs to compare the invoice to the purchase order amount. However, if it is closed due to being fully received, the only way to view the actual PO is by printing it.
Dale Schriver over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 One For The Future

Create an Audit Log for entries

It would be helpful to have an audit feature added to the software. Other software I've used has an audit log that can be run by user / by module. It allows visibility to who posted an entry and when (date / time stamp). Helpful in researching / t...
Guest over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 One For The Future

Why cant you void a cash receipt?

You can void check and credit card payments from customers but no cash receipts? Sometimes there is a mistake that needs to be fixed...
TRACY LYONS over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 One For The Future

Improve Search Methods for Quotes & Orders

We should be able maintain or make an inquiry or without having to enter the customer ID. What if I know the quote# or order# but not the customer ID? example: City Of Example calls and references Quote # 123456. But that city has 1 account for ea...
TRACY LYONS over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 One For The Future

Allow report refresh while inside preview

I see the most benefit for this in the "On Order Report" function. We have inventory coming and leaving every day, all day long. 1000's of part #'s. It would be awesome to live refresh a report as I'm looking at it. Like hitting F5 in a web browse...
Jessica Smith over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 One For The Future

Reprint Direct Deposit Stubs and Check Stubs for payroll, just like they print out when paying

Reprint Direct Deposit Stubs and Check Stubs for payroll, just like they print out when paying
Tammy Richard over 1 year ago in Payroll suggestions 0 One For The Future

Part Inquiry with Drill Down

Would be very helpful when you see the quanitities On-Order you can click on it to see what PO's they are on order with. Also Quantity Comitted.. to be able to click on it and see what sales orders they are commited to. Other wise you have to run ...
TRACY LYONS over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 One For The Future

Display credit memos in the Customer Invoice Inquiry list

The invoice and credit modules do not interact. It would be nice if wherever we can look at customer invpoces we could also see the credits. Not just inventory inquiry, but also when posting customer payments it would be nice to apply credit at th...
TRACY LYONS over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 1 One For The Future

Add the ability to determine which user has an exclusive lock on a customer

On many occasions, an employee will go step away from their desk or go on break while working on an A/R function, which placed an exclusive lock on a customer. If another employee attempts to do anything with the same customer, they’re unable to. ...
Alfredo Torres over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 One For The Future