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Sage BusinessWorks Ideas Portal

All other suggestions

Showing 32

Add option to prevent posing duplicate quote, sales order or invoice numbers

Add the ability to grey out the NEXT button when creating new Quote, Sales Order, or Invoice #s. Create a setting in AR parameters “Allow NEXT for Quote, Sales Order, or Invoice #s”. If not checked, NEXT will be greyed out when posting Quote, Sale...
Kim Crabtree over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 One For The Future

Display credit memos in the Customer Invoice Inquiry list

The invoice and credit modules do not interact. It would be nice if wherever we can look at customer invpoces we could also see the credits. Not just inventory inquiry, but also when posting customer payments it would be nice to apply credit at th...
TRACY LYONS over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 1 One For The Future