It would be a great help to be able to ensure a credit is not taken twice. It could be accomplished by the system not accepting a duplicate credit number as it already does not accept a duplicate invoice number.
Is useful for save time to all Companies that make business without stock inventory, that need make a Purchase Order for each individually Order took to his Customer. (You obtain one Order from your Customer and need place a Purchase Order to your...
Part Inquiry when going to a specific warehouse the Bin/Location is not correct.
The reason why the customer needs this is because when the employees are in the warehouse when packing they are looking for what Bin/Location in the warehouse under Part Inquiry to check. They don't have access to Maintain Parts only Parts Inquiry...
We use invoice inquiry all day long. It would be super awesome if we could drag and drop from the list of invoices, right onto the desktop. Our business works is through a terminal session. We often need these documents on our local PC. If it woul...
Be able to set a per line item tax limit when invoicing
Counties in TN and FL have limits on the taxable amount per line item. For example they can only collect sales tax on the first x dollar amount and the rest is exempt. The system would need to be able to set a limit on the taxable line item amount.
Is it possible to add a Budget Import File function so you don't have to go into each account manually and tab through each month. Maybe just have it basic as Account #, Month End, Amount.Ex. 12345.000, 01/31/2024, 10000.00
Victor Tkaczuk
about 1 year ago
in All other suggestions
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We need a way for BW to acknowledge a minimum required on hand quantity level and backorder at that level (not zero). We have stocking levels set on all inventory parts. One item we sell all day long, is fuel filters. Our suppliers are having raw ...
Jessica Smith
about 1 year ago
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Make serial numbers searchable without having to know the item#
I have 35,000 different line items that are serialized. It would be helpful to have a serial number search so I can figure out what the item is and display the invoice details of the end user it was invoiced to. I cannot waste time running useless...
When tracking a package for a customer, we use the Invoice Inquiry Module and click on "Addresses". The "Ship Via" section includes our tracking number that we enter at the time of invoicing. It would be super efficient if we could copy from this ...
Jessica Smith
about 1 year ago
in All other suggestions
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OE - Invoicing - it would be nice to have a feature listed in summary close to freight to add fees that aren't taxed.
We use Square for credit card payments and it's fairly new to us. Square charges a fee to do this and we charge the customer. As of now, I have to put it in the body of the invoice and not tax it. There may be a way to do this and I just don't kno...