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Highlight lines in GL reports

In the older version of BussinessWorks if you were viewing the income statement or other reports you could click on a line item and the line would highlight across. Making it easier to focus and keep track of where you are and where you where look...
Kim Crabtree over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 One For The Future

Allow GL acct changes in AP Edit Invoices - No Voids

Vendors are tied to 1 specific (default) GL Acct. In some scenarios when entering a vendor invoice, we need to code it to a different GL Acct. This can get missed easily. It would be awesome to be able edit the GL Acct under [AP-Edit Invoices]. In...
Jessica Smith 4 months ago in All other suggestions 1 We're Taking A Look At This

Description Line for Voids

When voiding a payment from a customer, it would be nice to be able to document on the transaction why it was being voided. Such as NSF, Duplicate, Wrong Bank Account, etc. Then when you run an AR Detail Report anyone reading it can tell why it wa...
Guest 7 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Send Aging Report to all customers separately in one swoop

Is it possible to establish a way to send all aging reports to our customers in one fail swoop.
Marlen Rivera 7 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

new vendor set up date

There should be a date for when you set up a vendor just like a new customer has. I would like to know how long I have been doing business with vendors.
Guest 8 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Add an option to create a read only user

Often users want to provide a cpa or user ready only access to the program. There is no easy way to do this
Kim Crabtree over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Modify a credit card charge that's pending

Our company policy is we only charge for what we are shipping. We run into situations where we process a credit card for $xxxx.xx and after the ticket is pulled for shipping, the warehouse alerts us that we are missing something that we shouldn't ...
Jessica Smith over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Copy function should copy ALL fields

When copying a quote, sa;es order or invoice, they copy funciton should should replicate what you are copying from EXACTLY. The copy feature currenty does not copy everything and it is annoying to have to re-type almost field such as ship-to info ...
TRACY LYONS over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Make changes to invoice after converting to sales order

This would allow changes to be made on the fly. Eight now we have to modify the sakes order if we need to add lines, etc then convert to invooce. this wastes time
TRACY LYONS over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Display credit memos in the Customer Invoice Inquiry list

The invoice and credit modules do not interact. It would be nice if wherever we can look at customer invpoces we could also see the credits. Not just inventory inquiry, but also when posting customer payments it would be nice to apply credit at th...
TRACY LYONS over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 1 One For The Future