We have a catalog of nearly 40K SKUs. Business Works does not allow us to import Unit Cost, Best Cost, Last Cost, [vendor] Minimum [order qty], or [vendor] EOQ.
This is a problem, since we use all those fields, and have to MANUALLY ENTER THEM for EVERY SKU. Literally, this is hours upon hours of wasted time.
Not only that, but pricing and minimums change, often. And those have to be MANUALLY re-keyed with every change….even more hours of time lost.
On top of that, Business Works does not allow POs to pull their cost from the Base Price (importable) field, no, it makes us pull from a field that has to be keyed manually.
I wish, all of these fields were importable, AND that we could choose what field to pull P.O. data from.
Totally agree with this exact request! 20+ year user with over 35k SKU's and this is a huge time killer.
Melanie Brummett@PitmanCreek.com
I agree. We would like more field to be importable. We are especially looking for imports into item MIN/MAX fields. These could change frequently but that can't happen when it has to be manually keyed!