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Sage BusinessWorks Ideas Portal
Status One For The Future
Created by Kim Crabtree
Created on Jul 17, 2023

Add option to prevent posing duplicate quote, sales order or invoice numbers

Add the ability to grey out the NEXT button when creating new Quote, Sales Order, or Invoice #s. Create a setting in AR parameters “Allow NEXT for Quote, Sales Order, or Invoice #s”. If not checked, NEXT will be greyed out when posting Quote, Sales Order, or Invoice #s.

When NEXT is deselected while posting Quote, Sales Order, or Invoice #s, create a prompt warning that the user has to OK through. Suggestion on warning: “Warning: You have deselected Next. Changing the # may result in duplicate #s for your company. If this was not intended, close the transaction (OR Quote, Sales Order, or Invoice #) without saving and start a new transaction. Confirm NEXT is selected and the correct invoice # displays for you to continue.”

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