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Sage BusinessWorks Ideas Portal
Status We're Taking A Look At This
Created by Ben Thompson
Created on Jan 23, 2025

Auto Signout After Inactivity Or Certain Time Of Day

We try to backup our BusinessWorks data daily, and sometimes this is more tedious to do than it should be in our Terminal Server / Network environnment.

Despite asking employees to sign out on their own at the end of day, or even when they aren't going to be using the service for a while, we still have people forever sitting idle in the program. If it wasn't for the backups some would sit idle for eternity. Then when it comes to backup time, we often have to kick them out manually. We currently use task scheduler to disconnect these problematic sessions, but oftentimes you have to follow that up with clearing DBRegister to alleviate any ghost or transient connections to the database.

What would be great is if there was a way for BusinessWorks to automatically - and gracefully - shut down the program after a period of inactivity, a certain time of day, or both. Setting this for specific users would also be a bonus. I believe that if this was built-in to the program, you'd spend a lot less time manually killing remote sessions and using DBRegister because it will be a more graceful shutdown of the program, thus making that exclusive-lock requirement for the backups a much easier thing to obtain. Not only that, but to me it would be security benefit since it's never a great idea to leave any sort of numbers or accounting-based task sitting wide open all the time.

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