Provide an option for international addresses or additional address line fields/spaces. Sometimes there is not enough room for an international address. This is a major issue and our most important request.
I really need this international customer address option or have another line added to the customer address field. Bill to for sure and maybe to shipping address as well. I have to create a fake invoice for these international customers because BW does not have the ability to accommodate these long international addresses. I have been asking for this for a couple of years now. It is always overlooked when a new upgrade comes out. Please please consider this. I cannot be the only one that has international customers that uses this software.
@Guest Thank you for the feedback, I will pass this along to our development team.
I really need this international customer address option or have another line added to the customer address field. Bill to for sure and maybe to shipping address as well. I have to create a fake invoice for these international customers because BW does not have the ability to accommodate these long international addresses. I have been asking for this for a couple of years now. It is always overlooked when a new upgrade comes out. Please please consider this. I cannot be the only one that has international customers that uses this software.