It would be a helpful addition to be able to Print a Receipt for Payment right from the BW software. Currently, if a customer requests a receipt for payment, something needs to be made up in Word.
Make closed purchase orders viewable without having to print them.
After a purchase order is received, the accounts payable person needs to compare the invoice to the purchase order amount. However, if it is closed due to being fully received, the only way to view the actual PO is by printing it.
OE -> Void Invoices Please increase the character field length in Void Invoices "Reference #" field, as we run 6-digit invoices and prefer to add a single "9" digit as a prefix to the invoice # when voiding for a clean paper trail.
Add "disable" option discount application in AP Enter Payments
AP -> Checks -> Enter Payments When auto-distributing, it would be great if the system was either "smart" and asked about applying discounts only when there was a discount and/or if you could add a disable feature for the system asking. Righ...
Perhaps future updates or service packs could consider making the font within the system bolder so that it’s easier to read. The size wouldn’t have to be changed if there were an option to just make bold what is offered.
We would like an automatic prompt when invoicing a customer to remind our sales staff to put in the sales rep name. They forget to go to the header screen if they don't need to add a PO. If it could be on the main customer screen, or prompt them b...