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Why arent changes allowed when converting a sales order to invoice?

When converting a sales order to an invoice, we should be able to make line item changes on the fly. When I have a customer on the phone and I convert and order, then he says at last minute to add something, I have to back out of everything and th...
TRACY LYONS over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Add custom pop-ups when in OE modules (customer specific buying preferences, etc.)

Add an option to display customer notes anytime their account is accessed in OE quotes, sales orders, & invoices. We see these now when customers are on hold or over their credit limit. I would love to see an additional box at that time of ord...
Jessica Smith over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Void Invoice "Note" is not visible anywhere

When you void an invoice you can enter a short note, but once you post it, the comment is not visible anywhere unless you print it. It would be helpful to see that comment in invoice inquiry.
TRACY LYONS over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Add option to search by PRODUCT LINE in Part Sales By Customer Report.

To be able to see all the items in under a specific product line that specific customers have purchased. Under the Order Entry Module. OE>Reports>Part Sales By Customer . This report currently you can search by Customer ID, Part ID, and Invo...
Ryan Spitznagel over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Add Vendor Name to Parts On Order Report

It would be helpful to have the vendor name added to the "Parts on Order Report". We have thousands of parts and having the vendor name readily available would reduce the amount of back and forth required to gather that information and make invent...
Guest over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Additional Digits for Shipping Weight

We would like to put in a request to consider adding digits to the shipping weight in BusinessWorks. The majority of our orders exceed 9,999.99 lbs.
Guest over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 2 We're Taking A Look At This

A/R, Bank Deposits, Include what entries – please add a selection to show only those entries that have NOT been selected as deposited.

A/R, Bank Deposits - allow for the user to make a selection that will only show the entries that have NOT been selected as part of another bank deposit. There is almost never a time that the user would need to select an entry for a different bank ...
Guest over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Change the name of the PDF files to be more descriptive

It would help is if the PDF that is created when emailing had a more descriptive name. Currently it is a temp file name like pdf18db. It would be great if it had the type of item generated and the number like inv12345.pdf.
Kim Crabtree 23 days ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Details on Vendor Open Credits history

Vendor Open Credits is currently a dark hole where details of transactions cannot be found. The option was updated in the AR module and works great. Can we do the same for Vendors?
Guest 3 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Duplicate Customer Finance with Purchasing

When creating a NEW Customer - My client would like to be able to duplicate the Finance and Purchasing information on some customers where the same person does both jobs. This is true in smaller companies and it would be nice not to have to duplic...
Guest 3 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This