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Sage BusinessWorks Ideas Portal

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Show our account number on the EFT Payment Register

We know the system allows us to put our account number in under vendors. We also know the system is able to put the account number on a check. However, it would be nice if we could get the system to show our account number on the EFT Payment Regis...
Guest 2 days ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Ability to link multiple customer sales orders or add notes to a Purchase Order.

As a company who creates purchase orders for more than one customer or sales order, it is difficult to keep track of which sales orders are linked to a PO. It would be great to attach sales orders from the purchase order itself or at least add not...
Kassandra Dorsey 14 days ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

several user can be in the same customer ID

It would be nice if several user could be in the same customer ID. There are times one user is trying to post a payment while another user is trying to type a quote or create an invoice. We are not able to do it as the account is locked.
ashley padgett 14 days ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Add the ability to see when a Pick Ticket has been printed.

Currently, users are only able to see when a sales order has been (printed). Would be highly beneficial to see when a Pick Ticket has been printed with the acknowledgement of it being a Pick Ticket.
Kassandra Dorsey 14 days ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

be able to reprint a packing slip

It would be nice to be able to reprint a packing slip after the invoice has taken place. There are times when a customer would like a packing slip after the fact as it was lost or someone else needs a copy (without prices) and we have to do a scre...
ashley padgett 14 days ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Longer history period

It would be so helpful if you could increase the 60 month max history limit for accounts receivable and order entry. I would love to have the ability to see history for 10 years.
Guest 6 days ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Increase Character limit for Part IDs and Description Fields

We Prefix our part IDs with the Vendor IDs (3 characters), sometimes we add 3 characters to the end of their part IDs to indicate the SKU must be picked in specific qtys. Several vendors have long part IDs, and their own character count is too hig...
Guest about 1 month ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Add a Sales Report by customer that you can sort by top customer sales

Currently there is no report to see who the top customers are and who the low customers are
Coleen Graber 20 days ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Edit Customer Invoices

After a Customer Invoice is created in Order Entry, if we have to change a ship to address, or correct the Customer PO Number, it would be helpful to be able to edit instead of VOID the invoice, reopen the order and re-invoice for such a simple fix.
Melanie Zembardo 2 months ago in All other suggestions 2 We're Taking A Look At This

Notification for Duplicate Customer PO Numbers

Would be extremely helpful for a notification to pop up if the customer PO number already exists in Order Entry
Melanie Zembardo 2 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This