Make closed purchase orders viewable without having to print them.
After a purchase order is received, the accounts payable person needs to compare the invoice to the purchase order amount. However, if it is closed due to being fully received, the only way to view the actual PO is by printing it.
Add the ability to sort line items in an invoice, either alphabetically by description or numerically by part number.
I enter large quantities of line items in an invoice and often have to refer back to previous line items entered during invoicing. If I could sort the items alphabetically by description or at the least sort by part number, it would be much easier...
Electric Service
about 1 year ago
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We should be able maintain or make an inquiry or without having to enter the customer ID. What if I know the quote# or order# but not the customer ID? example: City Of Example calls and references Quote # 123456. But that city has 1 account for ea...
In the older version of BussinessWorks if you were viewing the income statement or other reports you could click on a line item and the line would highlight across. Making it easier to focus and keep track of where you are and where you where look...
Kim Crabtree
about 1 year ago
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upload copy of invoice when entering the invoice into payables
I would love to be able to upload a copy of the invoice as I am entering it into payables. We often times have to look back at old invoices and that means we are looking up invoice numbers in the system and then having to go back to the filing cab...
When you run your bank reconcilation there is no way to search for a specific reference number or amount. Adding a search item similar to the inquiry screens will make it easier to find a specific transaction.
Multiple Finance e-mail fields for Invoices & Statements
We have many requests from customers to send their invoices and statements to different email addresses. Currently, this is not possible. It is a manual process, or the customer receives everything to both emails. Could there be 2 finance email fi...
Add ability to change size of box in various modules.
There are many different size boxes that open up for tasks in each module. Often times the boxes are quite small. For each user to be able to resize the boxes would be beneficial. One example is in AP manual invoice selection. If the box were larg...
Electric Service
12 months ago
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