Need multiple p.o. assigned to a sales orders at different times
As a purchasing agent for our company... When processing a larger complicated sales order requiring multiple supply vendors (or for t.b.d. and quoted custom work) it is sometimes desirable to delay creating ALL purchase orders ALL at one time... p...
When we do a Purchase Order Receipt and post, the screen returns to allow us to choose a different PO to receive. But the PO # field is still populated with the PO that we just received. I have to clear that field in order to do a lookup on the ne...
upload copy of invoice when entering the invoice into payables
I would love to be able to upload a copy of the invoice as I am entering it into payables. We often times have to look back at old invoices and that means we are looking up invoice numbers in the system and then having to go back to the filing cab...
When you run your bank reconcilation there is no way to search for a specific reference number or amount. Adding a search item similar to the inquiry screens will make it easier to find a specific transaction.
add sales report that compares monthly sales over the years
Add a Sales Report for monthly sales by customers, for multiple years to run comparison reports from one year to another. And to be able to export the report.
When you have entered a journal one month you should be able to select it and click copy so an identical version appears to edit, then you can change date, month amount etc. Useful for jnls that happen monthly.