There should be a date for when you set up a vendor just like a new customer has. I would like to know how long I have been doing business with vendors.
Please show the Purchase Order Date in Purchase Order Inquiry.
I cannot tell when a Purchase order was created. It only shows Last Receipt and Closed Date. Date created is very important. Not sure why this cannot be viewed?
Vendor Open Credits is currently a dark hole where details of transactions cannot be found. The option was updated in the AR module and works great. Can we do the same for Vendors?
In OE and AR, link zip codes with applicable taxes.
It would be beneficial to link State zip codes with tax codes. Colorado provides an online tool that helps determine the correct tax percentage for deliveries based on zip code. We deliver product and need to tax by ...
Habitually, I tab when creating a sales order, invoice, in payroll, pretty much everything. Except AR Credit Memos. Enter the reference line, tab and it takes you directly to the invoice number, reverse tab takes you back to the reference line.
Payment Inquiry does not display detail when a vendor payment is applied to open credit
When drilling down on a Vendor payment in Vendor Inquiry, the system does not clearly display that the distribution to open credit. For an Invoice, the invoice # shows, for open credit it is blank