Multiple Finance e-mail fields for Invoices & Statements
We have many requests from customers to send their invoices and statements to different email addresses. Currently, this is not possible. It is a manual process, or the customer receives everything to both emails. Could there be 2 finance email fi...
Jessica Smith
about 1 year ago
in All other suggestions
We're Taking A Look At This
My bank wants a list of all checks generated through BWW for the last 30 days. The GL Detail report has all of the information I need except for who the check was made payable to. The only field it displays is the VENDOR ID. It would be very helpf...
When creating a NEW Customer - My client would like to be able to duplicate the Finance and Purchasing information on some customers where the same person does both jobs. This is true in smaller companies and it would be nice not to have to duplic...
Have options to change the default on Sick Leave Accrual in Payroll Module.
We calculate Sick leave accrual based on hours "Worked". The system is accruing based on hours in a work week (including hours not worked...Vacation, Sick pay, Holiday). I need it to be accumulated based on Regular, comp, and overtime hours only.
Add a drop down menu in the Payroll Module to choose another cash account to apply.
I am not able to change the default cash account to process payroll checks. I have "one" employee that needs to be able to be paid from another cash account other than my default. In the A/P module there is a drop-down option to use another cash a...
Add ability to change size of box in various modules.
There are many different size boxes that open up for tasks in each module. Often times the boxes are quite small. For each user to be able to resize the boxes would be beneficial. One example is in AP manual invoice selection. If the box were larg...
Electric Service
over 1 year ago
in All other suggestions
We're Taking A Look At This