Increase Character limit for Part IDs and Description Fields
We Prefix our part IDs with the Vendor IDs (3 characters), sometimes we add 3 characters to the end of their part IDs to indicate the SKU must be picked in specific qtys. Several vendors have long part IDs, and their own character count is too hig...
Auto Signout After Inactivity Or Certain Time Of Day
We try to backup our BusinessWorks data daily, and sometimes this is more tedious to do than it should be in our Terminal Server / Network environnment. Despite asking employees to sign out on their own at the end of day, or even when they aren't ...
It would be lovely to have a Zoom View Feature in Sage Business Works as some of the fields are so tiny that it’s difficult to use without. Please build in zoom options or the ability to resize the windows so that we can make the software bigger o...
After a Customer Invoice is created in Order Entry, if we have to change a ship to address, or correct the Customer PO Number, it would be helpful to be able to edit instead of VOID the invoice, reopen the order and re-invoice for such a simple fix.
Melanie Zembardo
about 1 month ago
in All other suggestions
We're Taking A Look At This
We would like to see a vendor ACH file similar to payroll that we can submit to our bank for payment. It would be awesome to check a box in Maintain Vendors that says that the vendor is paid by ACH, enter their bank information, and have the syste...
Kim Crabtree
over 1 year ago
in All other suggestions
Great Idea Currently In The Works
upload copy of invoice when entering the invoice into payables
I would love to be able to upload a copy of the invoice as I am entering it into payables. We often times have to look back at old invoices and that means we are looking up invoice numbers in the system and then having to go back to the filing cab...
When you run your bank reconciliation there is no way to search for a specific reference number or amount. Adding a search item similar to the inquiry screens will make it easier to find a specific transaction.
Kim Crabtree
6 months ago
in All other suggestions
Love This Idea Likely To Be Coming Your Way
ability to print or export a list of current forms
We can print a list of Reports that are available by module. We cannot print a list of forms that are available by module. It would be super helpful to be able to do this so we could weed out forms no longer used as more are added.