1099 worksheet should include information regarding the fields First name, Middle , Last, Suffix that were added if SSN/ITIN is selected
New fields for First name, Middle, Last, Suffix were added in Maintain Vendors. These are used specifically for when Vendor indicates they are using SSN/ITIN. This is import information to include in the 1099 worksheet
Coleen Graber
4 months ago
in Payroll suggestions
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There needs to be a space between Undo & Save. Why? Because the slightest movement of the mouse and instead of saving a change, it's undone and vice versa.
Vickie Herrington
over 1 year ago
in All other suggestions
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HIghlighting line items for P & L reports. this use to be a feature but with upgrades it's no longer a feature. it was so helpful with yearend and qrtly reviews.
Hello, one of the features that I miss is when I’m viewing yearend and Quartey P & L reports, and other reports is to highlight each line item in preview. This was always a plus when viewing comparable years. If you can add this feature back t...
Melvin Davis
about 1 year ago
in All other suggestions
We're Taking A Look At This
When you click on a PO there is no PO date available to view through PO Inquiry. If the PO was received or cancelled, it shows a received and/or cancelled date, so why no entered date?
Add "disable" option discount application in AP Enter Payments
AP -> Checks -> Enter Payments When auto-distributing, it would be great if the system was either "smart" and asked about applying discounts only when there was a discount and/or if you could add a disable feature for the system asking. Righ...
OE - Invoicing - it would be nice to have a feature listed in summary close to freight to add fees that aren't taxed.
We use Square for credit card payments and it's fairly new to us. Square charges a fee to do this and we charge the customer. As of now, I have to put it in the body of the invoice and not tax it. There may be a way to do this and I just don't kno...
When you void an invoice you can enter a short note, but once you post it, the comment is not visible anywhere unless you print it. It would be helpful to see that comment in invoice inquiry.