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Status Board - showing all open orders on one screen

It would be very helpful to have a status board screen, that shows a list of all open orders (or quotes) on one screen. Each orders line on the screen can have small tidbits of information on it such as when the order is due, or special notes, etc...
Ryan Spitznagel 5 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Add option to search by PRODUCT LINE in Sales Analysis Report

To be able to view sales the sales analysis from sales reps pertaining to one specific PRODUCT LINE. Currently this report you can search by Customers, Invoices, Parts, sales Reps. This report would be tremendously more helpful if it also had a se...
Ryan Spitznagel over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Add more sales tax fields on the invoice

With the changes to state tax structures and the current Avalara integration, customers would like to have the ability to track more than 3 sales tax jurisdictions on an invoice
Kim Crabtree over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 1 We're Taking A Look At This

Maximize Post to Journals window

We use BusinessWorks for a significant amount of entries and the small window and size 6 font is difficult on our eyes and looks minuscule on our large monitors. Your product does not appear proportional to all other software products we have open...
Kim Crabtree over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 1 We're Taking A Look At This

Add more lines in the sales taxes module to account for additional sales taxes

Currently there are three lines for sales taxes in the module. The state / counties have added additional sales taxes as separate from the existing taxes. This effects the invoicing and reporting required.
Guest over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Prevent against credits taken twice

It would be a great help to be able to ensure a credit is not taken twice. It could be accomplished by the system not accepting a duplicate credit number as it already does not accept a duplicate invoice number.
Guest 11 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Increase Kit Description allowed characters

The Sage BusinessWorks 2018 File Format pdf document lists that the size for the Description field in the OEKit module should be 31 characters, but the GUI limits it to 24. Querying the OEKit table schema it also shows the length of the column to ...
Guest over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Need multiple p.o. assigned to a sales orders at different times

As a purchasing agent for our company... When processing a larger complicated sales order requiring multiple supply vendors (or for t.b.d. and quoted custom work) it is sometimes desirable to delay creating ALL purchase orders ALL at one time... p...
BRUCE WALLACE 6 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Part Inquiry when going to a specific warehouse the Bin/Location is not correct.

The reason why the customer needs this is because when the employees are in the warehouse when packing they are looking for what Bin/Location in the warehouse under Part Inquiry to check. They don't have access to Maintain Parts only Parts Inquiry...
Tammy Richard 11 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Clear PO Receipts field when more than one

When we do a Purchase Order Receipt and post, the screen returns to allow us to choose a different PO to receive. But the PO # field is still populated with the PO that we just received. I have to clear that field in order to do a lookup on the ne...
Guest 6 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This