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Payment Inquiry does not display detail when a vendor payment is applied to open credit

When drilling down on a Vendor payment in Vendor Inquiry, the system does not clearly display that the distribution to open credit. For an Invoice, the invoice # shows, for open credit it is blank
Coleen Graber 7 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Multiple Finance e-mail fields for Invoices & Statements

We have many requests from customers to send their invoices and statements to different email addresses. Currently, this is not possible. It is a manual process, or the customer receives everything to both emails. Could there be 2 finance email fi...
Jessica Smith about 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Increase number of sales taxes available for A/R and O/E invoices

Increase the number of available sales taxes to a minimum of five to provide greater functionality for invoicing options and sales tax reporting.
Coleen Graber 9 months ago in All other suggestions 2 We're Taking A Look At This

In OE and AR, link zip codes with applicable taxes.

It would be beneficial to link State zip codes with tax codes. Colorado provides an online tool that helps determine the correct tax percentage for deliveries based on zip code. We deliver product and need to tax by ...
Guest 2 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Increase character field in AR

OE -> Void Invoices Please increase the character field length in Void Invoices "Reference #" field, as we run 6-digit invoices and prefer to add a single "9" digit as a prefix to the invoice # when voiding for a clean paper trail.
Guest 5 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Allow report refresh while inside preview

I see the most benefit for this in the "On Order Report" function. We have inventory coming and leaving every day, all day long. 1000's of part #'s. It would be awesome to live refresh a report as I'm looking at it. Like hitting F5 in a web browse...
Jessica Smith over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 One For The Future

Emailing payroll stubs all at one time instead of having to do one at a time.

Emailing payroll stubs all at one time instead of having to do one at a time.
Tammy Richard over 1 year ago in Payroll suggestions 6 Great Minds Think Alike - This Exists Today

Reprint prior bank reconciliations

It would be nice to be able to reprint prior bank reconciliations with the information that was selected at the time the original reconciliation was done for record-keeping purposes.
Kim Crabtree over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 One For The Future

change font size to larger print

A larger or adjustable font size would help reduce eye strain and make it easier to read the prompts on screen.
Guest over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This

Update the tab key for credit memo's in AR

Habitually, I tab when creating a sales order, invoice, in payroll, pretty much everything. Except AR Credit Memos. Enter the reference line, tab and it takes you directly to the invoice number, reverse tab takes you back to the reference line.
Guest 3 months ago in All other suggestions 0 We're Taking A Look At This