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Sage BusinessWorks Ideas Portal

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Make screens larger or resizable

It would be lovely to have a Zoom View Feature in Sage Business Works as some of the fields are so tiny that it’s difficult to use without. Please build in zoom options or the ability to resize the windows so that we can make the software bigger o...
Kim Crabtree over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 4 One For The Future

Add the ability to create a Vendor ACH file

We would like to see a vendor ACH file similar to payroll that we can submit to our bank for payment. It would be awesome to check a box in Maintain Vendors that says that the vendor is paid by ACH, enter their bank information, and have the syste...
Kim Crabtree over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 7 Great Idea Currently In The Works

Add a payment method in AR called EFT

Many of our payments are deposited directly to our bank account. I have been using the “cash” option, but it would be better if I had an option that would allow me to void the receipt if I make a mistake on the date or amount.
Kim Crabtree over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 3 Great Idea Currently In The Works

Create an automatic backup utility

Users would like to schedule a time when all users are out of the system to make a backup without user input.
Kim Crabtree over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 3 Great Idea Currently In The Works

emailing invoices the message SUBJECT could say “Bikeworks Invoice 123456” instead of "OE Invoices

Change the standard text of Subject of email when emailing invoices, purchase orders, payroll direct deposits and vouchers This would be very helpful if when emailing invoices the message SUBJECT could say “Bikeworks Invoice 123456” instead of "OE...
TRACY LYONS over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 4 Great Idea Currently In The Works

Add the year to all reports

Please show the year on reports rather than only the day and month. For example, a Trial Balance report. If I run it for more than one year I have no idea what year the postings were made.
Kim Crabtree over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 1 Great Idea Currently In The Works

More database flexibility & more customizable fields

Unlock the database to allow more imports, edits and custom fields. It would be great to make updates in MS Access or similar programs via ODBC.
Dan Mihacevich over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 7 One For The Future

Print a receipt for a customer payment

It would be a helpful addition to be able to Print a Receipt for Payment right from the BW software. Currently, if a customer requests a receipt for payment, something needs to be made up in Word.
Kim Crabtree over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 1 One For The Future

Allow more data to be entered in the comment fields on customers, bank transactions and vendors

The fields I would like to see increased are most of all the ones that allow you to make a note/comment. There are some under bank transactions. I was also typing a comment under a customer this morning. And see all the unused space. It would not ...
Kim Crabtree over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 One For The Future

Merge customers and vendors

There are times when a duplicate customer or vendor was accidentally created and it would be great if there were a way to merge the records.
Kim Crabtree over 1 year ago in All other suggestions 0 One For The Future